Step 5: getting rewarded

Good job requires good reward

On top of recognition and personal reputation, IQUO offers a huge incentives programme, consisting of three main tools: rewards, personal ratings and XPs (experience points).


We have lots of perfect news for you if you decided to contribute to IQUO and create a prediction:

  • you don't need to do anything to get your rating or reward payout - it happens automatically in both cases. Your reward will find you in your wallet!

  • no change of rules can happen once a round has started. Once the round sets out, no worries that something will affect reward policy along way

  • the ratings and rewards are calculated purely on the basis of your predictions and Chainlink exchange rate data feeds - no other information is used. Everything is extremely transparent, no hidden catches

  • if your prediction participates in a campaign, it is eligible to both campaign rewards and regular round-end rewards. Participation in campaigns doesn't impose any limitations on other benefits your prediction might get

  • besides to smart-contract-based rewards (above), IQUO will further expand rewards via delivering IQUO token. To know more about respective amazing opportunities please check IQUO Telegram group or IQUO bot - you certainly won't be disappointed!

Every prediction - signal or quote - is always assigned to a round, but can participate in a campaign. Respectively, there are three major source of rewards:

  • round-end rewards paid out in native currency (MATIC) from prediction tickets/stakes

  • campaign-end rewards paid out in native currency (MATIC) from sponsored campaign pools, and

  • round-end IQUO token rewards granted for a number of achievements, according to respective granting campaigns.

Reward payouts nominated in native currency (MATIC) are instrument specific - they differ for signals and quotes:

  • for signals: up to 20 triggered signals (with highest challenge) are rewarded, with different weights being applied (see below). The full signals reward pool is paid out at round/campaign closing

  • for quotes: up to 3 quotes with best (lowest) discrepancy of prediction are rewarded. The size of rewards is determined by normal distribution formula. Total payout might account only to a part of the round pool - in this case pool remainder is transferred to the next round. Campaign reward pools are always distributed in full.

Round-end quotes reward calculation has a special case - ace: this is a situation when the best quote predicts the rate with discrepancy below 2%. In this case the owner of winning quote gets the whole pool as a reward. No compromise.

Individual reward size depends on:

  • for signals: prediction challenges serve as basis for reward weights. The higher the challenge, the higher respective weight: this weight is applied to reward pool amount on pro rata basis to produces reward payout value

  • for quotes: two parameters - discrepancy of prediction and prediction stake value (measured in tickets) - determine reward size. Unless you made an ace!

Read Methodology to understand signals and quotes in more detail.


IQUO uses AI to produce personal ratings. The ratings are key to protecting prediction market from malicious actors and manipulations.

Personal ratings will be introduced after period of initial system testing and data analysis.


XPs (experience points) are granted for both on-chain and off-chain activities. Like it was mentioned above, XPs might be given for special achievements like best prediction of the round, or best average performance during a number of rounds, or just signal trigger, etc. As a rule of thumb, the points are directly converted in IQUO token. Additionally, snapshot of XPs at some point might serve for extra benefits allocation like airdrop.

IQUO plans to establish a number of integrations with dedicated businesses to ensure due and scalable granting of XPs.

Last updated