Step 2: creating predictions

Everything is made in few clicks!

You can create predictions from main web page or directly from a chat - in this case a special prediction message will be posted to this chat.

To create a prediction you need to select between:

  • predicted currency: BTC or ETH

  • type of prediction: signal or quote.

If you have a campaign reference code, you have to enter it as well. Participation in campaigns is always beneficial, and you can either get additional rewards from campaign sponsored pool, or a discount to the ticket price. In any case your prediction stays perfectly eligible to 'normal' round-closing rewards.


First type - signal - is kind of virtual trading order - it requires setting following parameters:

  • signal type: select from BUY STOP, BUY LIMIT, SELL STOP, SELL LIMIT - precisely like usual trading orders are classified

  • signal rate: your prediction of respective exchange rate at signal expiration time, measured in USD

  • expiration time: time until which the signal can be triggered.


Second type - quote - is your best guess to predict exchange rate at round snapshot time. It requires following parameters:

  • round ID: ID of an active round with respective snapshot time. Rounds are made on weekly basis, there can be up to 4 active rounds

  • quote rate: your prediction of exchange rate at respective round snapshot time, measured in USD

  • quoting stake: your stake in MATIC - you need to provide a stake that exceeds a time-dependent ticket price, increasing toward snapshot time (input form will guide you via help tips to set a proper value).

Thus creation of signal implies submission of fixed stake in MATIC, while creation of quote means submitting time-dependent stake value - in both cases blockchain gas fees are on top of this.

To understand better what type of prediction under which scenario shall be used visit Sample scenarios section.

Before submitting the predictions you will see a confirmation screen to ensure that all the data was filled as intended. Once you submitted the prediction in IQUO form, you'll need to confirm this transaction in your Metamask wallet - just like any other wallet transaction: please check carefully transaction data and its value.

Here we are! Well done! The predictions are on their way to blockchain!

Last updated