Advanced: campaigns

If you are key opinion leader running a crypto community, or a business interested in launching of crypto prediction activity, you can create a campaign, with a sponsored premium pool on top of standard reward payouts.

Campaign is set up literally in few clicks: just specify the type of campaign, sponsorship sum, start and end time, and the number of winners (who will share the sponsorship).

IQUO will process your campaign automatically, with respective premium calculation and distribution at campaign end.

Campaigns offer two benefits to their participants: sponsored reward pool, and discount from prediction (ticket) price - both are optional. The latter situation is called concession and means the campaign creator foregoes their campaign referrals for the benefit of campaign participants.

Unless the concession option is activated, the campaign initiator will receive a referral bonus from every prediction participating in the campaign. To get an audience involved, the creator needs to share a short link with campaign reference code - the link will directly lead to prediction creation interface, with prefilled reference to the campaign.

In case an actual prediction doesn't meet requirements of referred campaign (type or timing), IQUO interface will inform the contributor of this mismatch. If still the user doesn't properly adjust parameters of the prediction, the prediction will be posted to blockchain without reference to the campaign.

Last updated